The first of the quarter of the year is the tax filing season in most countries. However, according to various reports, IRS customer service is one major concern to Americans, especially during the IRS tax season. IRS is rated amongst the most underperforming federal agencies in matters of customer satisfaction. It is thus not quite surprising finding yourself in loggerheads with the body. If you have any IRS issues, then you are probably wondering how you are going to fix it. Depending on the issue, it might be as easy as talking to the IRS or you might need a tax attorney to help. The problem is that finding a proper tax attorney isn’t easy either. Well, let’s take you through the steps you should take to resolve your IRS.
Beware of Tax Fraud
For starters, you must be vigilant to avoid the trap of deceitful companies who might take advantage of your tax situation and con you. Some companies are even known to exaggerate the kind of tax solutions they can offer. Although these purported services may be practical, the chances of this happening are quite minimal. For instance, you might find a company claiming they can guarantee to cut your tax obligation by 60-80%. This isn’t quite practical, keeping in mind that they won’t guarantee such an obligation before discussing it with the IRS.
Don’t end up being put through dubious processes only to end chucking up money that won’t resolve your IRS problems. Now, here are some of the plausible steps you should take to resolve your issue with the IRS.
Step 1. Talk with IRS
Once you have received information from the IRS regarding your tax obligations or related penalties, it is highly recommended that you get in contact and inform IRS about your tax issues. You can talk to a revenue officer who will assist you based on the nature of your tax obligations. The revenue officer might need some other relevant financial information. From this information, they can deduce your payment ability and can help form a basis for negotiations on a tax collection alternative.
But, if you happen to have any owed back taxes, make an effort to settle them prior to contacting the IRS for the current issues. The chances of the IRS helping you sort out your tax obligation issues is higher if you have had no back tax issues before.
Step 2. Understand Eligible Payment Programs Offered
If, for some reason, you are not able to settle taxes, penalties, and fees in full amount, make sure you enquire whether you are eligible to participate in the IRS payment compromise program. However, be ready to support your claims with valid documentation and bank statements for smooth resolutions.
Besides, based on your tax circumstances, you can be eligible to pay your tax obligations or penalties through instalments. You should, however, understand that the instalment payment program attracts interest on the outstanding balance until it’s fully cleared.
Step 3. Hire a Tax Attorney to Solve IRS problems
It’s no secret that tax issues can prove more complicated to an extent that it becomes increasingly harder to iron them out by yourself. In such a case, the services of a firm devoted to solving IRS problems can help. For better chances in handling your case, it is good to hire a reputable accredited firm on matters tax services, including IRS appeal, tax mistakes, debt challenges, etc. Well, your chances of getting a favourable outcome will depend not only on the firm’s experience levels but also on the information you provide. Of course, a tax attorney will give you clear directives regarding the relevant information required but make sure you are honest. Presenting honest information and providing as many supporting documents as possible helps lessen possible hurdles to the chances of agreeing with the IRS.
With a backup of legitimate and honest information, a skilled tax attorney will then help you negotiate with IRS to resolve your current issue.
Final Remarks:
From the information, we have covered it is quite clear that nature and circumstances surrounding your tax issues will determine the most appropriate way to resolve an issue with the IRS. Whichever the solution you deem fit for your case, be careful of fraudsters looking to prey on your challenges. Don’t spend a lot of cash only to end up getting scammed. Moreover, arm yourself with relevant documentation and information to give you an upper hand in the negotiation table with the IRS. It is also wise to hire a legal firm with a track record in solving IRS problems for help sorting out the issue.
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