Tax is a compulsory payment, levied on qualified persons, companies or partnerships by a government. As a small business owner, you need to be aware of and understand the common taxes and contributions that are levied in the Gambia. These business taxes and contributions are provided by the law, e.g. the Income & Value Added Tax Act 2012, Stamp Duty Act etc.
What are the Common Business Taxes in the Gambia?
Updated with 2019 Rates
1. Value Added Tax (VAT)
This is an indirect tax which replaced the sales tax in the Gambia. It is levied on the taxable supply of goods and services or taxable imports. The word taxable is used here because not all good or services are chargeable with VAT. Example basic goods like food (rice, sugar) are VAT exempted. VAT is collected by VAT-registered persons/company at the points of sale or delivery of services, and by Customs for the import of goods into The Gambia. Businesses or person with a turnover of taxable good or services above D1 million must register. However, you can voluntarily register if your turnover is more than D500,000 but less than D1 million. The Current standard VAT rate in the Gambia on a taxable supply is 15%.
You can read more details about good and services that are VAT exempted in the Gambia.
2. Income Tax
As the name applies, it is the tax on the income of an individual or a business entity. Therefore, income tax can be group under two subheadings:
- Corporate Income tax – This is paid by companies or partnerships on their turnover or profit. It is paid by quarterly instalment during the year and the final tax payable within three months after the end of the tax year. The annual return is also due within three months after the end of the tax year ( currently December). The corporate income tax rate is currently the higher of 27% of the taxable profit and 1.0% of turnover for the year. However, if for any reason the company accounts are not audited, the corporate tax on turnover should be 2.0%.
- Personal income tax – This is commonly known as PAYE (Pay As You Earn) on the employment income – It is the income tax levied on the gross employment incomes of individuals. It is calculated using the 1st Schedule as stated by Income and Value Added Tax Act 2012. This tax is payable on a monthly basis through direct deduction by the employers. Therefore, every employer is expected to deduct the right PAYE tax from the employees’ salaries. Employment income earners are not required to file returns unless they have other sources of taxable income.
The individual incomes are subject to progressive rates up to 25% depending on the employee’s income level. For example, individual gross earnings less than D24,000.00 per annum (D2,000.00 per month) are taxed at 0%.
3. Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
Capital Gains Tax is a charge levied on the profit when a person sell or dispose of an asset that increased in value. Example of such qualifying assets includes land, share, buildings etc. Any person who disposes of a qualifying capital asset in The Gambia is liable to pay the capital gain tax. The CGT payable by individuals is currently the higher of 15% of the gains or 5% of the consideration received, however, for companies and partnerships, it is 25% and 10% respectively. CGT is payable within 15 days after the sale of the capital asset.
4. National Education Levy
This is a fixed educational tax levied on businesses per annum. It depends on the annual turnover of the firm. If the total income of a company exceeds GMD 5 million per annum the national education levy is 0.75% of gross revenue, subject to a maximum of GMD 100,000. Print media is exempted from this levy.
5. Municipal Business License
An operating license fee levied on the business. The amount depends on the type of business and the location of the branch. Example the amount levied on a business within Greater Banjul area differ from branches in the provinces.
6. Fringe Benefits Tax
Fringe benefit is benefit in kind provided by an employer to the employee. The fringe benefit tax is imposed on every employer who provides specific and direct benefits like housing, car, health, etc for its employees. The amount of fringe benefits tax paid is allowed as a deduction in computing the chargeable income of the company. The fringe benefits tax is based on the grossed-up value of the benefits provided at 27%. The tax is payable by the employer and not the employee.
7. Stamp Duty on Contracts:
Stamp duty is charged at either a flat rate or an ad valorem rate (based on the value of the transaction) depending on the particular document or transaction. In the Gambia, it is generally levied on documented financial obligations or real estate transactions that result in a flow of wealth between the parties involved legally.
8. Payroll Tax (Expatriate Quota)
It is also known as Expatriate Quota tax and it is paid by the employer of a non-Gambian employee and is not recoverable by the employer from the employee. It is an annual payment made per employee as follows: ECOWAS nationals D10,000 and Non-ECOWAS nationals D40,000. Self-employed non-Gambian individuals are not liable to pay the tax.
9. Injuries Compensation Fund Contribution
In addition to the provident funds, the employers are required to contribute 1% of the employee’s’ total earnings (salary plus all other allowances subject to a maximum contribution ceiling of D15) to the Industrial Injuries Compensation Fund. Where the employee’s total earnings exceed D1,500 per month, the contribution payable is limited to D15 per month.
10. Environmental Tax
This is another minor tax levied on each employee per month. You are expected to pay D1 per employee per month. This payment is also made on a monthly basis.
11. Social Security Contributions
Employees in the private sector of the Gambia are required to contribute 5% of their basic salary into a National Provident Fund as Social Security Contributions. In addition, employers are also required to contribute 10% of the employee’s basic salary towards the Provident Fund. The payment is filed on or before 15th of every month and made with Social Security.
This article is not intended as an exhaustive explanation or replacement of the tax laws in the Gambia. If you require detail about the Gambia Bussiness Taxes, you should contact the nearest GRA office.
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As a non gambian do i have to 40000 expat even thought the restaurant never makes a profit
Yes, it is a tax based on a person and not related to profit at all.
Good afternoon Mr. Sawaneh!
Just one question, the amount of Education Levy statet above the amounts to be paid are fixed or there is any formula to calculate. because tday i received the notice to pay for the year 2019 and the income is below the 5 million but the amount we have to pay is more than 30 thousand.
The justification i get is ” we based on the law of 2016 to calculate the amounts”
Hope to hear from you, thanks in advance
They have recently amended the rates to 0.75% of gross revenue, subject to maximum of GMD 100,000. The base should be at least D5 million. You need to engage them or a consultant.
Thank you for this article. It is very educative.
Please what type of tax does Director of a company pays in The Gambia?
Directors pay normal personal income tax. If they receives director fees from their companies, the fee is an income for them and are treated as salary for individuals.
Really informative. Thank you professor
Thank you Sir for the feedback
Thanks Lamin, this is good.
Thank you
This is great Sawaneh. Keep up the hard work.
Thank you boss Ramatoulie.
Great work Ebrima. Please keep on sending us these useful information.
Kind regards
Samuel Mendy
Hi Samuel
Thank you for the feedback. Kind regards
I find these information very useful. Please keep up the good work you may not know how many people you are serving. Great contribution to society..
Thank you very much for your professional contributions to our dear country. please keep up the good work.
You are welcome Kabiro. Your feedback is very well appreciated.
Well done good summary of the taxes applicable in the Gambia.
Thank you Salieu ( Managing Partner of Temple Legal Practitioners http://www.tlp.gm ).
I like to follow you as I was involved in the Business Development Services Network too.
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Thank you Mr Lowe
We like your post
thanks for your good work brother, keep it up, we are grateful
Thank you Modou Nsz Njie . Appreciate your feedback