Office Relocation Management

When you are moving your company location it is important to understand the whole operation as a process, with its own order of execution. Every stage can be simplified in aeries of tasks and checks, making the whole endeavor more predictable and easier to perform. With a clear plan and realistic strategy, you can execute your office relocation without disrupting your business activities.

office relocation

According to Derek Lotts, there are 5 key steps on office relocation.

1. Evaluate your Current Situation

This stage should make some thing clear, like the purpose of your company relocation, including change of location, expansion strategy, lease expiration, liquidation of assets, etc. Draw an outline of the current state and consider long-term goals. In this way your team can help you direct the whole office relocation process, and there will be no unknown areas.

2. Point out your Requirements

The whole process of your office relocation will run more smoothly and less time consuming if you show clear understanding of your short-term and long-term requirements. You shouldn’t meddle in technical details, leave that part to relocation professionals. On the other hand, you must convene with your senior staff members about crucial reasons of the whole endeavor. You should discuss issues like the new location, the size of your new office, what features you need your office to have, the list of business goals that will be achieved by the relocation and the last but not the least, a type and length of lease.

3. Hire Professional Office Relocation Consultants

You can save a lot of time if you let provisional movers handle details of your new office functionality, space management and aesthetics. Office removalists from Sydney say that it is important to remember that:

“We take great pride in ensuring your business experiences only minimal disruption.”

This is because consultants understand that your business must not suffer during the process of relocation. Relocation consultants will save you money in the long run and ensure that the whole process unfolds seamlessly, without major business disruption.

4. Organize a Competent Office Move Team

A constructive insight of your employees is crucial for successful execution of the move. However, you shouldn’t let all of them ponder on the office relocation details. You need to assemble a team of outside consultants and your own staff members that will plan and execute every aspect of the move. Elect the project leader, a person with organization and leadership skills who will coordinate the efforts of the group and capable of meeting the deadlines and performing scheduled tasks. Plan for regular meetings of the whole task force to make sure that the move is unfolding according to plan.

office relocation

5. Office Relocation – Opportunity for Downsizing

Moving office is a perfect opportunity to empty unnecessary storage area and get rid of files and unused items. Scan the hard copies of documents before disposing them. In addition, this is a great chance to upgrade your office hardware and invest in newer equipment.

Grand opening of your new office should include a cocktail that all your business partners and employees will attend. An ideal occasion to show off your new company HQ and boost the morale of your workforce.

Whiles office relocation may seem daunting, however it can be successfully completed if the whole activity is managed as process.

About the Author

Derek Lotts writes about self-improvement and business. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment. In his free time, he likes spending time in nature with his wife. You can follow him on Twitter for other great tips.

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