Marketing Strategies for Small Business

Marketing strategy is one of the most important thing every small business owner should think about . Just because you own a good business, have a visible support in your community and consider yourself successful does not mean that you will see gross every year and a rise in your income. Therefore, it is vital to dedicate part of your budget to advertising in order to establish position in the industry, spread message to people and gain access to a higher level of business. However, with small business, you cannot just employ whichever marketing strategy seems to be working for a big international corporation and companies that are global leaders in their fields, but you have to think locally and act accordingly.

There are a couple of efficient and established marketing strategies that work on a smaller scale, are rather cheap and affordable, but still can be ideal for your small business.

Four Efficient Marketing Strategies

1. Preparation and Planning

Before embarking on a path towards better visibility and presence in you community, you have to make a sound and clear plan on how you wish to achieve that. With so many low budget marketing techniques to choose from, you should decide which ones suit your particular brand the most and which ones will be the most effective in your situation. Therefore, do not go too big in the very beginning, but stick to only a handful of methods that you think will be the best. For example, an owner of a local gym and sports centre does not have to advertise over the Internet too much and it would be more beneficial to focus on a hands-on approach and promotions around the venue’s neighbourhood. On the other hand, managers of up-and-coming printing services should turn to the virtual marketing schemes and practically present what they do and showcase their existing portfolio to the highest possible number of potential future clients. Choosing between digital and traditional marketing is also important and, once you pick the right approach, the hardest part of your job is already done. marketing strategies

2. Online Marketing

Probably the easiest and cheapest – and, additionally, more than effective – way of marketing is done online, on a website and through social networks. Moreover, with so many people, especially in the young demographic, active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, you do not even need a website as long as you have solid profiles on these platforms. They are easily opened and managed, and you can appoint basically anyone with some computing skills do be in charge of your social media presence. The biggest perk of this type of marketing is not just having a free portfolio online available to users all over the world all the time in just a couple of clicks, but also achieving interaction with them. Not until the popularity for social media has risen were all clients and customers able to contact their favorite brands and famous companies posting comments, concerns and questions. If you are running a small business, being available to your clients is simply a must because that will make them feel appreciated and respected.

 3. Peculiar Ways That Work

In addition to a number of more traditional marketing strategies, you can try some of the more unusual ones that are just peculiar enough to make people interested and involved in what you have to offer. These include a couple of guerilla strategies where you reach people in their homes, on the streets or in their comfort zone, slightly surprise them and leave an impression. Ideas like door-hangers and flyers are cheap if you have a good deal with printing company – a helpful hint: the more items you print, the lower the price for a single one will be, so you might want to consider thousands of copies – and all you need is to find someone who will distribute them. Another idea is nighttime silhouettes and projecting your logo on a building near your shop or headquarters. Since this idea is sort of new, not many people know about it, so you will have no competition and gather all the attention from passers-by. Also, gifts are always good – nobody will turn away from a free cap, T-shirt, tennis ball or writing pad. These promotional products all have your logo and contact information on them (subtle, but visible and easily noticed is the best approach) and are present in people’s homes, so your company is always in front of their eyes. Finally, when speaking of the cheapest guerilla marketing, you can spray-paint slogans that will advertize you around your neighborhood and thus catch the eye of young people who will become paying customers at one point.

4. Staying Visible

The essential thing when talking about marketing for small businesses is being present all the time – from store signs and business cards to banners and billboards, your logo has to be visible. That way, you can achieve brand recognition and grow into a more serious business. marketing strategies   What other cheap marketing strategies can small business adopt ? Share your views in the comment box.

About the Author :

Dennis Evans is a freelance blogger who likes to write and share his knowledge of marketing strategies and business in general. He is also a freelance photographer and videographer.”

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