Small businesses are always worrying about the big costs of producing small batches, countering advertising from large size competitors, retaining employees and so on. In such a scenario, a small business owner is likely to think of website development as an unnecessary burden on finances. Perish the thought!
A business website is the strongest weapon in a small business’ arsenal. A website is an information directory, an immediate customer service channel, a sales channel, all at once. It is the only weapon that a tiny business can use to take on the Goliaths with huge spending budgets.
Let us tell you about 5 easy things you can do with your business website and use it to create a formidable business.
Make the website the face of your business
Truth be told, in today’s business world, small businesses must necessarily differentiate or die. Websites make it very easy for a small business or a new brand to communicate its difference. Give your website a unique voice, customize its appearance, its content to make your customers fall in love with your brand. Even small brands can create a unique identity and win the hearts of large customer bases with the right website. Take a look at the success story of Chloe + Isabel, the umpteenth fashion accessories business that started small and made it huge. Their website is unlike any mass fashion category website. It is unique, personalizes their brand and differentiates it from the sea of sameness.
Make the website your landmark – be found!
63% of consumers reported engaging with local businesses mainly through their websites. [ Local Search Association report, USA, April 2017]. These people start their search for a product on a search engine, click through the results to engage with websites, make up their minds and purchase immediately. If you don’t have a great website optimized for search engines, you are hurting your own business potential. Design your website, host relevant content for your target audience, be found!
Weigh in with a blog
Your website needs a blog. A blog is an easy vehicle for content that will be voraciously consumed by your target audience. Are you a local fashion accessory business targeting older women? Post locally relevant content about festivals, concerts and the fashion consumption that goes with it. Your audience will find you sooner than you can spell B-L-O-G.
Use it as a Customer Service Channel
Customers need quick resolution just before and just after purchase. As a small business, you may not have customer service centres that work round the clock at your disposal. A well-designed website with Chat Assistant or Chat with Company options can help customers greatly. There is digital Chat Assistant software available that’s perfectly customizable and easily integrated with your website.
This is an inexpensive yet great way to provide round the clock customer service.
Add a payment gateway to your business website
Let your website double up as a sales channel too. After all, websites earn twice the revenue that an employee generates. Adding secure, reliable and popular payment gateways can help your website generate sales. Online sales are fast, easy, require no human interaction and are widely preferred by shoppers. These can supplement your offline sales network and make recurring purchases faster for your loyal customer base. Your sales force can focus more on generating new business while your website caters to the existing customer base for their regular purchases.
Just follow our easy tips and enable your website to transform your small business into a legendary one. Following these tips will build user trust, an essential element of boosting sales. In fact, internet marketing expert, Matej Markovic of Neevee, advises clients, “An e-commerce site owner must build user trust before he can build sales.” Is your website doing this for you?
Your website is your most powerful tool, equip it for business success.
Author Bio: Deborah Tayloe is a blogger and regularly writes content for Neevee. She lives in North Carolina and loves expanding her knowledge of digital marketing. When she’s not blogging, Deborah loves to work on DIY projects around her home.
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