5 Simple Network Security Tips for Your Small Business

By Imala Green

network security

Do you take good care of that network infrastructure in your business? Well, you should, however, small your business. We will tell you why network security is important for any business these days. We will also cover some of the simple steps you can take to ensure that your network is secure.

What’s Network Security?

Network security essentially refers to the steps you take to secure your computer network. This is quite vital and more so if your business relies on IT infrastructure that might be a target of cybercriminals. No business is quite safe, as evidenced by the number of data breaches we are seeing in virtually every niche. You literally have no choice but to secure your business against some of the common threats targeting businesses including Malware, Phishing, Denial of Service (DOS), Brute Force Attacks, etc.

Benefits of Network Security for Businesses

There are lots of perks that come with securing your network. For starters, it ensures your critical business processes aren’t interrupted. At the end of the day, that will translate to profits for the business. You will also be safe from data breaches that might lead to legal actions and even loss of business.

Simple Network Security Measures

You may not be able to control what hackers do with their tech expertise, but you can always work to keep them off your network.  For better network security, consider going for network management solutions for business. It is especially the case if you have a complex business network, and you don’t have the right expertise to protect your business against cyber-attacks. That said, let’s look at some simple ways set you off the mark:

1. Update your software

Hackers are keen to study the loopholes, and outdated versions of popular software will often be used as a leeway to get into your infrastructure. By upgrading to the recent software version, you can avoid falling prey to bug related attacks.

An outdated software doesn’t mean that the software isn’t working. For example, a file management system will still help you to organize files years after purchasing, but that does not mean it is safe for use. If you are using old models of hardware, you may need to upgrade for compatibility with an updated version of the software.

2. Secure Your Passwords

This may sound like a cliché, but it is worth repeating. You should ensure that you use strong passwords for accessing every part of your business network that needs a layer of authentication. The usual password security measures do work with business networks as well.  To ensure that users don’t use easy to guess passwords-combine letters with numbers and symbols and more importantly, keep changing your network passwords from time to time, etc.

3. Secure Your Network Devices

Network threats are diverse, and network devices like routers and switches are common targets for hackers. They mainly target open networks so they can closely monitor the number of connections, file exchanges, and conversations and penetrate business networks. You have the option of ensuring you secure devices used in the network. Learn how you can secure the routers, change from any open network to a private one, restrict user access, update the firmware, etc.

4. Educate your staff 

You can’t fight cybersecurity on the IT front alone. It’s a no brainer since you can’t monitor what your staff are doing all the time. In fact, employees are the biggest cybersecurity threat to business-hackers can use your employees to gain access to your business. So, educate your staff on the basics of cybersecurity and emphasize the need for collective action towards the problem. It is important they exercise caution when sharing information on social media about the business so as not reveal any sensitive business information.

An educated staff will be keener in taking important steps like reviewing the pages they visit and their source of downloads. Also, they will report suspicious activity promptly and even ask when they aren’t sure of the best course of action in terms of security.

5. Invest in a Virtual Private Network 

If you are accessing files through public networks, then consider using a virtual private network. It reinforces your security by masking your communication and encrypting data. That way, you will be safe from hackers who try to make unauthorized access as your team exchange files or access their accounts.

Final Word:

Cyber-attacks are growing quite fast around the globe, meaning that you ought to implement measures regardless of the size of your business. One successful attack can be costly and might even kill the business. Therefore, it is better to be safe now rather than to fight the consequences later.

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