10 Top Paying Side Jobs – Infographic

side jobs inforgrahic, business idea

As well as working in regular, full-time employment, many people also work on side jobs in their spare time, usually because they either enjoy the work in question or they need some extra cash (sometimes both). You may be surprised to know that quite a few of these side jobs in fact pay very handsomely.

Similar to our previous article on small business ideas in the Gambia, Colette Cassidy presents 10 top paying side jobs in a form of infographic.

Did you know that sign language interpreters can earn almost $40 an hour for work on the side, or that software developers can pick up a rather nice $30 an hour for a little extra? With these particular jobs, as indeed with many other side jobs, there is a constant demand, so the opportunities for work, and for a boost to your bank balance, are frequent. If sign language or software isn’t your area of expertise, why not try freelance photography, copy editing or bookkeeping?

Side Jobs – Infographic

top paying side jobs

Some of these side jobs may not be seen by an ordinary person as a business opportunity in the Gambia today, however you can be innovative and start a new market.

This infographic was developed by All Finance Tax profiles  on few of the best-paying side jobs, as well as detailing their flexibility so that you can determine whether or not you are able to combine it with your full-time work. Easy money for a line of work you’ll enjoy? If this appeals to you, then consider taking up a side job – the possibilities are very promising.

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